
Jerry Owen

O 倒置的五角星 长期以来一直与 神秘 魔术 请注意,中世纪的撒旦教徒在他们的仪式上使用这个符号,宣扬与基督教相反,而且是对基督教教义的反叛。 因此,这个五角星被认为是一种象征 魔术师 与宗教符号相对应。

See_also: 毛利人的纹身:使用最多的符号

因此,在19世纪,是魔术师埃利法斯-莱维(Eliphas Levi)正式将倒五角星定性为""的象征。 邪恶 "在这个意义上,值得指出的是,倒五角星经常与撒旦主义的 "官方 "标志巴弗灭(山羊头)的形象一起出现。

O " 倒立五角星仪式 "这是因为,首先,这个仪式的作用是振兴修行者的精神力量,使他处于适当的精神状态,并为仪式本身做好准备。 这样,就好像五角星开启了 地狱之门 因此,这种仪式被划分为 五个步骤 ,即:

  • 生命之树的建立;
  • 召唤/禁止与地狱的皇冠王子;
  • 四个统治者的魔咒;
  • 对撒旦的祈求;
  • 隔离。

倒五角星属于一个秘密组织。 在《光照派符号》中了解更多。

See_also: 十字架蒙面

Jerry Owen
Jerry Owen
Jerry Owen is a renowned author and expert on symbolism with years of experience in researching and interpreting symbols from different cultures and traditions. With a keen interest in decoding the hidden meanings of symbols, Jerry has authored several books and articles on the subject, serving as a go-to resource for anyone seeking to understand the significance of various symbols in history, religion, mythology, and popular culture.Jerry's extensive knowledge of symbols has earned him numerous accolades and recognition, including invitations to speak at conferences and events around the world. He is also a frequent guest on various podcasts and radio shows where he shares his expertise on symbolism.Jerry is passionate about educating people about the importance and relevance of symbols in our daily lives. As the author of the Symbol dictionary - Symbol meanings - Symbols - Symbols blog, Jerry continues to share his insights and knowledge with readers and enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of symbols and their meanings.