
Jerry Owen


在 "神话奥秘 "中,公牛的焚烧占有突出的地位,在这些崇拜中,他被称为 "地轴的守护者",正是他们颠覆了 "天圆地方的轴心"。 被称为年轻人的米特拉有一群年轻的牛头神的随从,他们是自己这个更大的神性的展开。

See_also: 死亡

宰杀公牛意味着对动物本能的支配,但也意味着对法律的违反。 动物代表本能和禁忌,当人能够牺牲自己的动物本性时,他就会觉得自己更像一个人。 在梦中,独身主义的自我出现在公牛身上,就像米特拉那样,其意义与基督的经文相同,它是重生的象征。 米特拉携带着被打的公牛,代表着父亲、怪物、巨人和危险的动物。


See_also: 共济会的标志


Jerry Owen
Jerry Owen
Jerry Owen is a renowned author and expert on symbolism with years of experience in researching and interpreting symbols from different cultures and traditions. With a keen interest in decoding the hidden meanings of symbols, Jerry has authored several books and articles on the subject, serving as a go-to resource for anyone seeking to understand the significance of various symbols in history, religion, mythology, and popular culture.Jerry's extensive knowledge of symbols has earned him numerous accolades and recognition, including invitations to speak at conferences and events around the world. He is also a frequent guest on various podcasts and radio shows where he shares his expertise on symbolism.Jerry is passionate about educating people about the importance and relevance of symbols in our daily lives. As the author of the Symbol dictionary - Symbol meanings - Symbols - Symbols blog, Jerry continues to share his insights and knowledge with readers and enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of symbols and their meanings.