
Jerry Owen

奥罗伯罗斯或奥罗伯罗斯是一种神话中的生物,是一条吞下自己的尾巴形成一个圆圈的大蛇,并且 象征着生命的循环、无限、变化、时间、进化、受精、出生、死亡、复活、创造、毁灭、更新。 这个古老的符号通常与宇宙的创造有关。


大蛇丸是一个神话人物,通常也是一个宗教人物,它出现在埃及、希腊、印度、日本的许多古代文献中,也出现在阿兹特克文化中,其中的蛇神,被称为 大蛇 羽毛的 Quetzalcoatl 出现的时候咬着自己的尾巴。


它也是共济会的标志。 对共济会来说,它代表永恒和更新、爱和智慧,并被发现装饰在他们寺庙的外墙上,就像方形和圆规一样。

佛教 反过来,在《大蛇丸》中,它象征着审视自己是一种精神进化的方式,其特点是没有开始和结束。 炼金术 被用作一年四季的指南,从吞噬自己尾巴的蛇的表现来看,是对天堂的指南,从而象征着生命的周期性能量、原始的统一性、世界的整体性。

See_also: 衣服

此外,Ouroboros是罗马神的象征。 雅努斯 (开始、入口和选择之神);来自《圣经》中伊甸园的蛇;来自中国的阴阳符号;以及北欧神话中的蛇、 Jörmungandr .

See_also: 钻石婚礼


在许多非洲宗教中,蛇代表一个神圣的人物,大蛇指的是半神。 ǞǞǞ 在印度,Ouroboros的代表是龙绕着支撑着世界的四象的乌龟,象征着创造的力量。

在瑜伽中,大蛇丸代表着能量。 昆达利尼 在诺斯替主义中,这条蛇象征着世界的灵魂以及永恒。


ouroboros这个词起源于希腊,其含义是 "吞噬尾巴的人"。 它是由以下几个词组成的 兽人 意思是 "尾巴",以及 博罗 意思是 "吃 "或 "吞噬"。

阅读 也是:

  • 眼镜蛇
  • Naja

Jerry Owen
Jerry Owen
Jerry Owen is a renowned author and expert on symbolism with years of experience in researching and interpreting symbols from different cultures and traditions. With a keen interest in decoding the hidden meanings of symbols, Jerry has authored several books and articles on the subject, serving as a go-to resource for anyone seeking to understand the significance of various symbols in history, religion, mythology, and popular culture.Jerry's extensive knowledge of symbols has earned him numerous accolades and recognition, including invitations to speak at conferences and events around the world. He is also a frequent guest on various podcasts and radio shows where he shares his expertise on symbolism.Jerry is passionate about educating people about the importance and relevance of symbols in our daily lives. As the author of the Symbol dictionary - Symbol meanings - Symbols - Symbols blog, Jerry continues to share his insights and knowledge with readers and enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of symbols and their meanings.